Lodge Officers

Bro John M Gordon, PM, PPJGD
Worshipful Master & Durham Benevolent Representative

Bro Ian C Knighting PAGStB, PPJGW
Immediate Past Master

Bro Peter J Bolam, PM
Senior Warden

Bro Bro Ian C Knighting PAGStB, PPJGW.
Junior Warden

Bro Giles C Hunter, PM, PPSGD

Bro George N Gray, PM 3241, PPJGW
Almoner & Lodge Mentor

Bro Geoffrey Dawson, PM, PPJGW
Director of Ceremonies

Bro David Pattinson, PM 9614
Senior Deacon

Bro Gordon Sloan, PM, PPJGReg
Assistant Director of Ceremonies

Bro Albert G Kelly PM, PPAGDC
Assistant Secretary

Bro Ronald A Forsyth, PM, PPGReg
Inner Guard
Bro Keith Thompson, PM 3241 PPAGDC